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KCR: What does meaningful work look like for you?

These columns are contributed by the KCR Community Resources

Through our partnership with the Capital News, we have been sharing stories about wonderful people 55+ that are adding meaning and impact to their lives through volunteerism.

Suzie Docherty is someone who did just that, landing a job that is personally fulfilling and allows her to make a huge impact while getting paid at the same time.

Having served as the volunteer manager for the Central Okanagan Salvation Army for five years, Suzie was one of the volunteer facilitators for KCR’s Overview of Volunteer Management workshops, helping to build capacity in the sector and to nourish volunteer managers in their role.

Through this she fueled her passion for coaching and facilitation and is now bringing all of these skills to her role as an employment counsellor with the Employment Services Team at KCR. Suzie’s specialty is working with mature adults as the co-lead facilitator for Options55+. This free, provincially funded program offers mature adults support and resources as they look to add meaningful work to their lives by exploring their passions, developing their skills and boosting their confidence.

“Our program helps participants find meaning, direction and confidence,” said Suzie. “I always say, ‘Who you are makes a difference,’ and I love seeing people discover this light inside of themselves.”

Options 55+ includes modules delivered in a hybrid model utilizing zoom and in- person workshops with topics including self-discovery and knowing your strengths and transferable skills, best practices in resumes, cover letters, networking and interviews. One on one coaching, plus access to online resources is also provided. Each participant benefits from an empathetic coach and cheerleader to support them on their job search journey, as well as support once a job has been obtained.

Participants will gain insight into a diverse and changing job market, explore second career options, and discover opportunities in a totally new sector.

“Life and work skills really mean something and you can give back with them,” explained Suzie. “Participants get to connect for themselves how they can leverage their skills and experiences as mature adults and sell those highly desirable attributes to potential employers.”

To find out more about the Options55+ program and how you can access it, contact Suzie at The next session starts soon, so don’t delay.

Dorothee Birker is the communications and development coordinator for KCR Community Resources. If you are interested in sharing your volunteer or organizational news, please contact Dorothee at