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Kelowna ate 900 perogies from Georgia Cafe for Ukrainian relief

The cafe has already pre-sold out of their fundraising meals for March 11

Kelowna came together and overwhelmed the Georgia Cafe’s fundraiser with support on Mar. 4.

The small locally-owned cafe on Richter St. held a fundraiser lunch for the Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. The cafe pre-sold out of their meals consisting of a cup of borscht, perogies and Ukrainian cabbage rolls. They have also sold out of their Ukrainian meals for next Friday, Mar. 11.

(Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)
(Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)

The cafe has donated the use of their kitchen and equipment to Ukrainians preparing food for the event.

Supporters looking for a treat are still invited to stop by the cafe. They are selling homemade cakes, snacks, sausages and coffee, with proceeds going to the Red Cross.

(Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)
(Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)

Warren Strome, husband of the busy cafe owner Maia Meghvinishvili, said that the cafe sold 75-litres of borscht, 900 pierogies and 300 cabbage rolls today (March 4).

Strome said, “Georgia understands the crisis in Ukraine because it happened to them in 2008.”

(Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)
(Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)

The Georgian community said they want to stand strong for their Ukrainian neighbours.

A peace rally has been organized at the Landmark overpass on Harvey for March 6 at 2 p.m. and will be holding another fundraiser at the Georgia cafe on Mar. 11.

Georgians and Ukrainians in Kelowna are working hard to keep up with orders for their fundraiser lunch (Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)
Georgians and Ukrainians in Kelowna are working hard to keep up with orders for their fundraiser lunch (Jacqueline Gelineau/Capital News)

READ MORE: World Vision Canada warns of Ukraine humanitarian crisis’s impact on children


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Jacqueline Gelineau

About the Author: Jacqueline Gelineau

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