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More than 50 tonnes of rubber ends up in Okanagan waterways each year: Study

Tire particle research done by UBC Okanagan

If you want to do your part in keeping Okanagan lakes and rivers clean, consider carpooling.

A new study by the UBC Okanagan School of Engineering says that more than 50 tonnes of tire and road wear particles are released annually into local waterways.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Haroon Mian, said that the results are “quite significant.”

“It’s especially alarming considering that this microscopic waste can contaminate our freshwater sources.”

In particular, the study was done locally using Okanagan Lake and Kalamalka Lake as subjects, and were found to be unknowingly contaminated by thousands of vehicles on the highways every day.

“This analysis focused on a small section of highway in the BC interior, but the findings suggest that other regions across Canada may experience the same challenges with this type of contamination,” said Mian.

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Jake Courtepatte

About the Author: Jake Courtepatte

Editor of Kelowna Capital News & West K News since February 2022. I have spent the majority of my career working in the Toronto area as both a sports reporter and a general reporter.
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